Sunday, May 26, 2019

Pirate Fleets

Pirates are a largely independent lot, operating on a loose chain of command at best. Even the so-called “captains” of pirate ships are only captains during a voyage, when the crew is in need of a leader to coordinate its efforts. When off-duty, such as when in port, “captains” are just another common pirate and can be easily usurped or outright murdered by their crew if they prove too incompetent.

However, there are times when certain pirate captains and their crew gain the respect of other pirate ships which leads to them forming a criminal organization of their own. If said pirate ships and their crews work together for long enough and adapt each other’s customs, lingo and insignia, they become what is called a “pirate fleet”. Pirate Fleets are rare at best mostly because of the unruly behavior of pirates in general. When pirate fleets form, function and coordinate over vast distances, they become a truly formidable foe for authorities like the Confederal Constabulary and or the Confederal Navy.


The first pirate fleet in the history of the Known World is the “Pearl Bandits” of Kithiya, during the early 1200s. Led by the fearsome Captain Ho (ancestor of current Emperor Pu of the Xenjese Commonwealth), the Pearl Bandits raided ships coming and going from Kithiya, Zeppon, Keril to as far as the Firelands. While they never reached as far as Delmaron or Halreich, they made trade with those island-countries extremely difficult. As a matter of fact, they made commerce very hard for everyone as there were many goods at the time that could only be found in Kithiya. It was only when the navy of Cauldmer joined forces with the navies of Zeppon and Ubastis did they manage to sink many of the Pearl Bandits’ pirate ships leading to the capture and eventual exile of Captain Ho.

One of the oldest pirate fleets in existence that is still in operation today is, of course, the Grim Sail pirates led by the infamous Admiral Donato Sebastian. Formed during the late 1400s, the Grim Sails have been a threat throughout the Known World and is an especially hated enemy of the Xenjese Commonwealth and the Zorali Magocracy. While the Storm Talon, the flagship of Admiral Sebastian himself, has rarely attacked ships of the Confederate Islands, the same cannot be said of the other members of the Grim Sails. The Grim Sails mostly operate around Pyril but Admiral Sebastian and the Storm Talon has occasionally been sighted to sail across the frozen rivers of Waldoria and even near the beaches of Surdalia. No single pirate fleet has put as much fear into the hearts of men as the Grim Sails as they have been well-known to use sorcery and have the largest number of wizards among their ranks.

The most recent pirate fleet to terrorize Thessonia would be the Yellow Brotherhood. A purely Pyrilian pirate fleet led by Fong Go the lemming, the Yellow Brotherhood hunted ships for slaves and booty both in the Expanse and have traveled as far as Elmarina, Ulrondo and Dorul. Of all the pirate fleets to sail the seas of the Known World, the Yellow Brotherhood was probably the largest, having well over a thousand pirate ships under its command. Unlike most pirate fleets that banded together for mutual benefit or respect, the Yellow Brotherhood had a religious aspect as well, being avid worshipers of the Maw of the Void, one of the first faiths of Pyril. It was because of their beliefs that they often sacrificed many of their captives to the pantheon of the Maw. The Yellow Brotherhood proved to be such a terrible danger to seafarers and maritime trade that the Confederal Military formed a temporary alliance with other pirate fleets like the Scarlet Tide, Steel Sharks and even the Grim Sails to stop the former. After a few months of grueling naval warfare, the Yellow Brotherhood was defeated and Fong Go was slain on May 13, 1723. Its remnants today can be found in three smaller pirate fleets, the Sea Fiends (which is led by Fong’s son Tong), the Crimson Cutlass and the Cobalt Scourge.

Another pirate fleet of considerable infamy is the Hordes of Oblivion despite having little to no confirmation of its actual existence. They are at best a legend of sorts among superstitious sailors although witnesses have cropped up every now and again who speak of great black sails woven from skin and hulls of bone. It is said that the Hordes of Oblivion is also dedicated to the Maw of the Void much like the Yellow Brotherhood but take their devotion to an even higher and more depraved level. As said, there is little evidence of their existence and most of the alleged witnesses who have seen them are stark raving madmen, but many seamen insist that they prowl Thessonia at night.


As already mentioned, pirates are a chaotic sort and there are many pirate crewmen who can barely tolerate one another. But again, some pirates are really just that charismatic and can exert his influence outside his own ship. Different pirate fleets operate differently from one another. The Grim Sails, for instance, only unite when called upon by Admiral Sebastian himself and usually treat one another as rivals. Then there is the Scarlet Tide pirate fleet that operates across the Thessonia and often have various schemes in motion to maximize their profits.


The title of “admiral” among pirates is at best an informal one. Unlike in actual naval terms where the admiral has absolute control over his fleet, a pirate admiral is simply the leader of multiple pirate ships. Again, it may differ from one pirate fleet to another but a pirate ship is always free to act of its own accord and or outright leave their pirate fleet if the captain sees it fit. They cannot, however, expect to be on friendly terms with the pirate fleet they so recently abandoned.

+Known Admirals of Pirate Fleets+

=Donato Sebastian
Pirate Fleet: Grim Sails
Flagship: Storm Talon
Often Sighted: Everywhere

=The Red Lady
Pirate Fleet: Scarlet Tide
Flagship: Blood Serpent
Often Sighted: Pyril

=Uriel Vance
Pirate Fleet: Steel Sharks
Flagship: Mako
Often Sighted: Delmaron, Cauldmer, Halreich and Zebaston

=Tong Go
Pirate Fleet: Sea Fiends
Flagship: Typhoon
Often Sighted: Pyril

=Cedric Failon
Pirate Fleet: Crimson Cutlass
Flagship: Silverfish
Often Sighted: Pyril

=Aku Sakim
Pirate Fleet: Cobalt Scourge
Flagship: Hand of Jade
Often Sighted: Pyril

=The Grim Gentleman
Pirate Fleet: Hordes of Oblivion
Flagship: Jaws of Death
Often Sighted: Everywhere

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